Miller News and Announcements

Miller News September 12, 2024
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Miller School News September 6, 2024
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Grade 4 Supply Lists



Mrs. Candito’s

Recommended Supply List 


●       Headphones for Chromebook in a clear bag labeled with name (a must!)

●       1 Pair of Scissors

●       1 Pack of Pencils

●       1 Pack of Markers

●       1 Pack of Colored Pencils

●       1 Pack of Whiteboard Markers

●       1 Whiteboard Eraser

●       1 Pack Glue Sticks

●       6 Pocket Folders (one for each subject)

●       6 Notebooks (one for each subject)

We are always in need of (but not required):

• Paper Towels

• Tissues

• Sanitizing Wipes

• Hand Sanitizer




Ms.Cassidy’s Class 

Recommended Supply List


●       1 Plastic Folder (to be used as  a take home folder)

●       2 composition notebooks (Spanish and Weekly Journal)

●       1 pack of Markers

●       1 pack pre sharpened Pencils  (Ticonderoga preferred)

●       1 pack Crayons

●       1 Pack of Colored Pencils 

●       1 pair of Scissors

●       1 pack Expo Markers (any size)  1 Whiteboard Eraser

●       Glue Sticks 

●       1 Pencil Box

●       Headphones in bag labeled with name

●       Water bottle labeled with name

 We are always in need of (but not required):


*Sanitizing Wipes

*Paper Towels



Mrs. Chung’s Classroom

Dear Families and Students,

I hope you have had a wonderful summer! Listed below are supplies students will need to bring to the  English classroom this year. I have underlined the items that are optional. You may purchase two sets  of any duplicate items on the French list, or purchase one set to bring back and forth between classrooms. Please let me know if you have any questions about any items on this list!

All the Best,

Mrs. Chung

●     1 Pencil case with your name written on it (can be a plastic box or a cloth case)    

●     1 Personal set of markers OR colored pencils

●     Pencils

●     1 Pair of scissors

●       Glue sticks

●     1 Pair of headphones

●     2-3 Highlighters (Any color!)

●       1 Personal pencil sharpener

●     1 Box of tissues

●     1 Roll of paper towels

●       1 Package of disinfecting wipes


●     For health class with Mrs Day: a pocket folder and a composition notebook



Mme Zenowich’s 4th Grade French Class Back-to-School Supplies List  

▪ 1 1 subject spiral notebook with 3 holes (to fit inside the 3 ring binder)

▪ 2 *durable* folders (preferably plastic) with 3 holes (to fit inside the 3 ring binder)

▪ 1 durable pair of headphones, labeled with student’s name

▪ 1 pencil case with your name on it (can be a plastic box or a cloth case)

▪ 1 refillable water bottle.  Our classroom can be very hot in September and May/June. Students can keep their water bottle at their desk or in their cubby and easily drink as needed. 

▪ Optional (only if your child would like extras of these items from Mrs. Chung’s supply list): 1 Personal set of markers OR colored pencils, Pencils, 1 Pair of scissors, Glue sticks, 2-3 Highlighters, 1 Personal pencil sharpener (with attached holder for shavings), 1 Box of tissues, 1 Roll of paper towels, 1 Package of disinfecting wipes

▪ For health class with Mrs. Day: a pocket folder and a composition notebook

Merci beaucoup! Mme Zenowich




Mrs. Duchesne’s Class

Recommended Supply List

●      2 Plastic Folders (to be used as a take home folder & for spanish class)

●      1 spiral notebook (wide ruled)

●     1 composition notebook (for spanish)

●      1 Pencil Box (plastic box or pouch works)

●      1 pack Markers

●      2 packs pre sharpened Pencils (ticonderoga preferred)

●      1 pack Crayons

●      1 pair of Scissors

●      1 pack Expo Markers (thin or thick)

●       White board eraser (an old sock works great)

●      Glue Sticks (the big ones work great- we use a lot of glue)

●       Headphones with microphone option if possible in a clear bag labeled with name  

●       Water bottle labeled with name  

We are always in need of (but not required):

 • Paper Towels

• Tissues

• Sanitizing Wipes

• Purell

• Glue Sticks

• Pencils




Ms. Flannery’s recommended Supply List


*If you need any assistance with getting any of these supplies, please let me know! It is not

essential to have everything for the first day! Please do not let this be a source of stress!

●       Three plastic folders (1 as a take home  folder, 1 for Spanish, 1 for unfinished  work)

●       One 1-subject notebook

●       One composition notebook (for Spanish)

●       One pack of markers

●       One pack of pencils (Ticonderoga pre-sharpened preferred)

●       One pack of crayons

●       One pack of colored pencils 

●       One pair of scissors

●       One pack Expo markers (skinny preferred) 

●       One pack of glue sticks

●       One pencil box

●       Headphones in bag labeled with name  (to be left at school)

●       One reusable water bottle labeled with name 

●        One old sock/cloth to be used as a mini whiteboard eraser (store bought is fine too!)


Any donations of paper towels, Clorox wipes, tissues, or pencils would be greatly appreciated. These items go  fast!!!



Mrs. Irving Recommended Supply List 2024-2025



Classroom, Not necessary but helpful

*Colored Pencils






1 Composition Book

1 Pocket Folder


Health Wellness

Headphones with Built in microphone (in bag labeled with student name)

2-3 Glue sticks

Pencils and small pencil case

2 one Subject notebooks

1 Composition notebook



Mr. Jewett’s Recommended Supply List 


●       Headphones for Chromebook in a clear bag labeled with name (a must!)

●       1 Pair of Scissors

●       1 Pack of Pencils

●       1 Pack of Markers

●       1 Pack of Colored Pencils

●       1 Pack of Whiteboard Markers

●       1 Whiteboard Eraser

●       1 Pack Glue Sticks

●       6 Pocket Folders (one for each subject)

●       6 Notebooks (one for each subject)

We are always in need of (but not required):

• Paper Towels

• Tissues

• Sanitizing Wipes

• Hand Sanitizer




Mrs. Dowling - Montessori 3/4

● Three composition books - no plastic covers

● 1” binder for writing

● **Headphones/earbuds for personal use

● One pocket folder for “go home” things

Donations for Community Supply Shelf:


Pencil sharpeners 

Crayola colored pencils

Crayola crayons - set of 24 


Glue sticks 

Sharpie Markers

General Use Supplies:

● Nice, soft tissues, paper towels, Eco-friendly spray cleaner, Disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer, ziplock bags (sandwich, quart or gallon)


For Spanish Class:

Wide Ruled Composition Notebook 

Two-Pocket Folder




 Mrs. Nam - Montessori 3/4


1  graph paper composition book (preferably red)

3 marble composition book (color of your choice)

1 box of 24 crayons

1 pkg. of 12 glue sticks

1 pkg. of 12 Ticonderoga pencils

1 pair of scissors

2 laminated or plastic 2-pocket folders

1 pair of headphones with microphone for personal use

1 package of dry erase markers


Community Supply Shelf:

1 box of tissues

Eco friendly bottle of spray cleaner (for tables)

Lysol Wipes


For Spanish Class:

Wide Ruled Composition Notebook

Two-Pocket Folder


For Health Wellness Class

1 Pocket folder

1 composition notebook


If you need assistance obtaining supplies, please let me know. I do not want you to stress about these items.



Ms. Sullivan - Montessori 3/4

1  graph paper composition book (preferably red)

3 elementary marble composition books (color of your choice) Full pages printed with solid and dotted line elementary ruling

-1 pencil case

-1 box of colored pencils

1 pkg. of 12 glue sticks

1 pkg. of 12 Ticonderoga pencils-sharpened

1 pair of scissors

1 laminated or plastic 2-pocket folder

1 pair of headphones

1 package of dry erase markers

2 thin dry erase markers

-1 homework folder


Community Supply Shelf:

1 box of tissues

Eco friendly bottle of spray cleaner (for tables)

Lysol Wipes


For Spanish Class:

Wide Ruled Composition Notebook (the college ruled lines are too small)

10 Pack of Markers (traditional colors, please!)

Two-Pocket Folder





Miller Band Materials Checklist 2024-2025



●     Good Functioning Instrument (If not rented from music company)

●     Lesson Book: Essential Elements - Note: This book is different than the one used last year

●     Flute

●     Clarinet

●     Alto Saxophone

●     Trumpet

●     Trombone

●     Euphonium/Baritone

●     Percussion

●     Sharpened pencils only – no pens please

●     Instrument Specific Materials Needed:

●     Flute: Silk Swab

●     Clarinet: Silk Swab, Reeds (start with size 2), Cork Grease (Other Option)

●     Saxophone: Silk Swab, Padded Neck Strap, Reeds (start with size 2), Cork Grease (Other Option)

●     Trumpet: Valve Oil, Slide Grease (Other option)

●     Trombone: Slide O Mix solution, Slide Grease (Other option),

●     Baritone: Valve Oil, Slide Grease (Other option)

●     Percussion: Extra set of Drum sticks,   Extra set of Bell Mallets


It is expected that your child has an instrument in working order and all supplies necessary to keep it in working order for each class/lesson. Anything needed can be purchased over the phone or online at David French Music.  If your child loses their music/book, or if their instrument is not working please see Mr. Weithman as soon as possible.




Band Supply List for Grades 4 & 5


Miller Band Materials Checklist 2024-2025




●     Good Functioning Instrument (If not rented from music company)

●     Lesson Book: Essential Elements - Note: This book is different than the one used last year

●     Flute

●     Clarinet

●     Alto Saxophone

●     Trumpet

●     Trombone

●     Euphonium/Baritone

●     Percussion


●     Sharpened pencils only – no pens please


●     Instrument Specific Materials Needed:

●     Flute: Silk Swab

●     Clarinet: Silk Swab, Reeds (start with size 2), Cork Grease (Other Option)

●     Saxophone: Silk Swab, Padded Neck Strap, Reeds (start with size 2), Cork Grease (Other Option)

●     Trumpet: Valve Oil, Slide Grease (Other option)

●     Trombone: Slide O Mix solution, Slide Grease (Other option),

●     Baritone: Valve Oil, Slide Grease (Other option)

●     Percussion: Extra set of Drum sticks,   Extra set of Bell Mallets


It is expected that your child has an instrument in working order and all supplies necessary to keep it in working order for each class/lesson. Anything needed can be purchased over the phone or online at David French Music.  If your child loses their music/book, or if their instrument is not working please see Mr. Weithman as soon as possible.

Clever: Technology Tools for Students!


Follow the directions listed below to help your child login to their Clever account from home. Once logged in they will have access to all the we-based tools they use during the school year. 

Important:   Clever recommends having the Clever browser extension installed on the device that students will use to access their Clever Portals. While it is not required in order for students to gain access to their Clever Portals, if the Clever extension is not present on a device the user will need to manually enter their login credentials when accessing SSO (Saved Passwords) applications through Clever.


Clever supports the following internet browsers:

  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Apple Safari (we support this browser for general use with Clever, but not for SSO (Save Passwords) apps, as they do not currently offer a Safari Extension) 

***Click here for information on how to install the Clever extension


  • To log into the Clever Portal, go to Holliston’s Clever login page located on the Holliston website under the Students and Families tab.

  • Student’s username is last name followed by the 

           first three letter of their first name

  • Password is hollis+student lunch number (your child’s teacher can give you this number)


**Make sure that no one else is logged into a personal email account, as this could cause a log-in error.